Bozza modifiche sito web ECO-PV (7)
Join the Collective System for the management of photovoltaic WEEE
Bozza modifiche sito web ECO-PV (7)
Join the Collective System for the management of photovoltaic WEEE


Obligations for EEE producer

In according to Decree No. 49/2014, the funding for pickup, transport, treatment and recovery of photovoltaic RAEE it is up to producer.

In according to Decree No. 49/2014, the producer of photovoltaic modules may comply with its obligations joining to Collective System as Eco-PV, that works throughout the national territory.

In according to Decree No. 49/2014, the EEE producer also must register to “EEE National Registry” and acts in accordance with its obligations. Eco-PV is able to manage for him both the registration and declarations of EEE placed on market.

In according to Law No. 221/2015 (“Collegato Ambientale”), the tool of Financial Guarantee of which a Collective System as Eco-PV must have for the deposit of eco-contribution, is a Trust complies to GSE Technical Regulation “Definizione e verifica dei requisiti dei Sistemi o Consorzi per il recupero e riciclo dei moduli fotovoltaici a fine vita in attuazione delle Regole applicative per il riconoscimento delle tariffe incentivanti (DM 5 may 2011 and DM 5 may 2012)”.

Eco-PV makes available to its consortium members the TRUST ECO-PV complies to GSE Technical Regulation.

How to join the Collective System Eco-PV

The EEE producers interested to join Eco-PV can:

The staff will support you according to your needs.